It's really important that the transactions in your Sage bank accounts match what has actually gone through your bank account, so that you know your bank balances are correct. This also helps you to ensure you manage your cash flow effectively.
Sage Accounts has a Reconcile option within the Bank to help you easily match each transaction in Sage to your bank statements.
Complete the Statement Summary window as follows:
Click OK.
The Bank Reconciliation window shows the following:
To unmatch transactions that you have matched in error, from the matched against statement pane either double-click each transaction or select the relevant transactions > Unmatch.
To post an adjustment > Adjust > select the adjustment type you want to post > OK > enter the transaction details > Save > Close.
If the value of the matched transactions is not the same as the statement end balance the Reconciliation Difference window appears, and you can either:
Add Adjustment |
Select the adjustment type you want to post > OK > enter the transaction details > Save > Close. |
Ignore Difference |
This option flags all of the transactions in the matched against statement pane as reconciled. |
Cancel | To return to the Bank Reconciliation window, click Cancel. |